Jal Shakti Vibhag

Government of Himachal Pradesh

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Medium Irrigation Projects

Medium Irrigation Project Sidhatha

Sidhatha medium irrigation project area is situated in Jawali tehsil in Kangra District. The water of Dehar stream is being diverted by constructing a small weir at village Anuhi and conveyed to CCA through open channel, tunnel and cut and cover section. The project has been approved in the technical advisory committee meeting of GOI held on 9/9/1997 amounting to Rs. 33.62 crore with CCA of 3150 ha. The A/A & E/S of this project has been accorded on 17/12/97 for Rs. 33.62 crore.
The revised project report has been accepted in the 89th meeting of Technical Advisory Committee Government of India held on 27-6-2007 at New Delhi for Rs. 66.35 crore. The Planning Commission has given investment approval for Rs. 66.35 crore on 8-11-2007. This project was included under AIBP during 2000-01 and Central Loan Assistance /Central Assistance (CLA/CA) amounting to Rs. 48.03 crore was released so far. Cumulative expenditure incurred up to 03/2011 on this project is Rs. 75.8839 crore. CCA of the project is 3150 hectare (Potential Creation 5348 hectare) out of which 485 hectare (Potential Creation 823 hectare) has been achieved up to 03/2011. The revised cost estimate of the project was cleared by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on Irrigation, Flood Control and Multi Purpose Projects for Rs. 95.29 crore (price level 2010) in its 108th meeting held on 4th January, 2011. The project stands approved by Planning Commission for Rs. 95.29 crore during the year 2011-12.
There is a revised budget provision of 19.00 crore for the financial year 2011-12 and admissible central assistance works out to Rs. 16.173 crore. Out of which 1st installment of Rs. 14.55 crore has been released recently and case for 2nd installment is being sent to Govt. of India. The remaining potential creation shall be achieved during the financial year 2011-12. The likely date of completion of project is March, 2012.

Sailent Features Rs. in Crores
Original cost 33.62
Revised cost 66.35
Re-revised cost estimate 95.29
Cumulative Expenditure up to 3/2011 75.8839
Central Assistance released up to 3/2010 48.03
Balance cost 19.4061
Revised Budget for 2011-12 19.00
Exp. incurred during 2011-12 upto 2/2012 15.1227
1st installment of central assistance released during March 2012 14.55
CCA/Potential creation of the project 3150 hectare/5348 hectare
Date of completion March 2013

Medium Irrigation Project Changer Area

The changer area irrigation project is lift irrigation project from Anandpur Hydel channel. The project is situated in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh. The project envisages providing assured irrigation facilities to 2350 hectare of Culturable command area (CCA) in changer area. Technical Advisory Committee on Irrigation, Flood Control and Multipurpose projects had cleared the project on 27/1/99 for Rs. 28.37 crore. The A/A & E/S for the work was accorded by Govt. of H.P. on 22/6/99 for Rs. 28.37 crore.
The revised project report was accepted in the 90th meeting of Technical Advisory Committee Government of India held on 26-9-2007 at New Delhi for Rs. 88.09 crore for 2350 hectare total CCA. The Planning Commission has given investment approval for Rs. 88.09 crore on 3-4-08. This project was included under AIBP during 2000-01 and Central Loan Assistance /Central Assistance CLA/CA amounting to Rs. 51.5675 was released so far. Cumulative expenditure incurred up to 03/2011 on this project is Rs. 83.9338 crore. CCA of the project is 2350 hectare which was achieved up to 03/2011. Central assistance released so far for this project is Rs. 57.2375 crore.
There is a revised budget provision of 1.90 crore for the financial year 2011-12 and admissible central assistance works out to Rs. 0.8314 crore after deducting the previous shortfall in expenditure. The proposal of CA release for the year 2011-12 based on state budget provision has been sent to Govt. of India and the released is awaited.

Sailent Features Rs. in Crores
Original cost 28.37
Revised cost 88.09
Central Assistance released up to 3/2011 57.2375
Cumulative Expenditure up to 3/2011. 83.9338
Revised Budget for 2011-12 1.90
Exp. incurred during 2011-12 1.00
Requirement of central assistance for 2011-12 0.8314
CCA /Potential creation of the project 2350 hectare/3041 hectare
CCA /Potential creation covered up to 3/2011 2350 hectare/3041 hectare

Medium Irrigation Project Balh Valley (Left Bank)

The original DPR of the project based on the price level of 1999-2000 was approved in 75th meeting of Advisory Committee held on 18-12-2000 for Rs. 41.64 crore. It was further revised to Rs. 62.25 crore based on the price level 2003-2004 and was approved in 87th meeting of Advisory Committee held on 17-11-2006. The revised investment clearance was accorded by the Planning Commission to the Government of India vide its letter No. 20(8)/2006-WR GOI dated 28-3-2007 for Rs. 62.25 crore. The project was included for funding under AIBP during 2009-10. Cumulative expenditure incurred up to 03/2011 on this project is Rs. 70.5296 crore. CCA/potential creation of the project is 2780 hectare/4354 hectare out of which 600 hectare/939 hectare has been achieved up to 03/2011. Central assistance released so far for this project is Rs. 41.451 crore. The likely date of completion of project is March, 2012.
Revised cost for Rs. 103.78 crore stand approved by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on Irrigation, Flood Control and Multi Purpose Projects in its 106th meeting held on 16-09-2010. The investment clearance of Planning Commission for the same cost has also been accorded during 2011-12.
There is a revised budget provision of 21.90 crore for the financial year 2011-12 and exp. incurred against the budget is Rs. 12.15 crore. 1st installment of central assistance for Rs. 13.77 crore has been released by Govt. of India during March 2012. The case for 2nd installment has also been sent to Govt. of India.

Sailent Features Rs. in Crores
Revised cost of the project 62.25
Re-revised cost of the project 103.78
Cumulative expenditure up to March 2011 70.5296
Total CA released up to March 2011 41.4513
Budget provision for 2011-12 21.90
Exp. incurred during 2011-12 up to 2/2012 12.15
1st installment of CA released 13.77
Total CCA/Potential creation of the project 2780/4354
CCA achieved during 2011-12 up to 2/2011 1000
Cumulative Achievement of CCA up to Feb. 2012 1600
Likely year of completion 2011-12

Medium Lift Irrigation Project Naduan Area in District Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh under PMKSY - AIBP - included during March 2022

22 new eligible Projects in the country were proposed for inclusion under PMKSY-AIBP and two projects of our State viz. Medium Irrigation Project for Nadaun Area District Hamirpur (Estimated cost of Rs. 156.31 Cr., CCA 2980 Ha.) and Medium Irrigation Project Phina Singh in District Kangra (Estimated cost of Rs. 614.31 Cr. at PL 2020, CCA 4025 hectares), find place in this list of 22 Projects.
The Medium Irrigation Project for Nadaun Area, Distt. Hamirpur with Estimated cost of Rs. 156.31 Cr. to provide irrigation facility to CCA of 2980 Ha. was included under PMKSY-AIBP for balance cost of Rs. 12.68 Cr. in March 2022 and CA of Rs. 2.25 Cr. for the year 2021-22 was released by the GoI to this project. CA was utilized incurring an expenditure of Rs. 2.50 Cr. creating CCA 300 Ha. and the proposal for release the balance CA for the year 2022-23 to the tune of Rs. 9.16 Cr. was submitted to Govt. of India, but CA was not released by GoI. During the year 2023-24 the State Govt. provided the budget provision of Rs. 10.18 Cr. for this and according the CA proposal has been submitted to Director CWC Shimla- 9 consideration and released of the CA.

Phina Singh Medium Irrigation Project in Tehsil Nurpur District Kangra HP

The Detailed Project Report of Medium Irrigation Project Phina Singh for the estimated cost of Rs. 204.51 crore (at price level 2011) with CCA of 4025 hectares was appraised by TAC of MoWR, Govt. of India New Delhi in its 109th meeting held on 14-03-2011. The investment clearance for the project for Rs. 204.51 crore was accorded by the then Planning Commission Govt. of India vide letter No. 20(8)/2011-WR dated 15-07-2011 and accordingly the A/A&E/S was accorded vide Pr. Secy. (IPH) to the Govt. of HP vide letter No. IPH-B(F)2-9/2004 dated 18-03-2011 for the estimated cost of Rs. 204.51 Cr.
The work of the project was started in 2011 and still is under active construction, so far 52% physical progress of minor works has been achieved and an expenditure of Rs. 288.11 Cr. up to 30/06/2023 has been incurred with the State resources. The cost of the project has been escalated due to enhancement in labour and material rates and modification from Medium Irrigation to Multipurpose project with power generation and road connectivity in addition to the irrigation components.
The Govt. of India has proposed 22 new eligible Projects in the country for inclusion under PMKSY-AIBP and two projects of our State viz. Medium Irrigation Project for Nadaun Area District Hamirpur and Multipurpose Medium Irrigation Project Phina Singh in District Kangra which find place in the list of 22 Projects. The reports of these projects were submitted to the Chairman CWC New Delhi by the Commissioner (SPR) duly recommended. Out of these two projects MIP Nadaun Area project has been included during March 2022 for funding under AIBP component of PMKSY. The revised cost estimate was processed during the year 2021-22 and DPR uploaded on the CWC website e-PAMS dated 01-06 2021 for technically appraisal. After detailed examination, the CWC Head Qtr. New Delhi has restricted the cost to Rs. 643.68 Cr. on Price level March 2022.
The Department of Water Resources, RD&GR New Delhi has been requested to accord the investment clearance for revised estimate of Rs. 643.68 Cr. same has been got accorded from the Investment Clearance Committee of Department of Water Resources, GoI, in its 18th meeting held on July 10th, 2023 for the estimated cost of Rs. 643.68 Cr. at PL 2022.

Sukhahar Medium Irrigation Project in Tehsil Jawali District Kangra HP

The Punjab Government constructed the old Sukhahar canal during 1950 before reorganization of the State of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. This irrigation scheme was constructed to irrigate about 2500 hectare of land of Sukhahar area of District Kangra. However, scheme could not function due to extensive landslide from the hillside and settlement of canal bed. The canal that remained unattended was subsequently damaged badly. As such, main aim of this project is to revive the old project and to irrigate the CCA of 2186 hectare of Sukhahar area of tehsil Jawali of District Kangra. The project is situated on the right and left banks of Gaj Khad with a total requirement of water 1.96 cubic meters per second. It is proposed to construct a small diversion weir on Gaj Khad to divert water of Gaj Khad to the main canal/Kuhl. In the DPR it is proposed to provide irrigation facilities to 146 hectare CCA through gravity and rest of the area will be covered through five lift irrigation schemes along the main canal.
The proposed project amounting to Rs. 153.80 crore (Price level 2015) with B.C. ratio 2.39:1 was approved in 131st meeting of Technical Advisory Committee of MoWR, RD&GR on Irrigation, Flood Control & Multipurpose projects held on November 16, 2016 at New Delhi. The completion period proposed by TAC MoWR, RD&GR New Delhi as per minutes circulated was five years and total cost of project would remain valid for that period only. The CCA of the project is 2186 Ha. with an annual irrigation of 5572 Ha. to benefit approximately 24,120 persons in the command of the project. But the investment clearance of Ministry of Jal Shakti was not accorded by GoI in spite of submitting the proposal for the investment clearance.
Since the TAC of MoWR accorded approval about 7 years ago, as such, the fresh DPR for the estimated cost of the project as Rs. 223.49 crore on price level 2022 has been updated and proposed for approval of SLSC of PMKSY and other mandatory clearances could be got accorded before posing the project for central assistance under PMKSY - AIBP. The cost escalation is mainly due to the hike in cost of materials and labour rates. Now the BC ratio of the project on fresh cost estimate is 1.59:1. The State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) of PMKSY approved the fresh cost estimate for Rs. 223.49 Cr. (PL-2022) in its 11th meeting held on July 17th, 2023.
After getting the approval of SLSC DPR has been submitted Govt. of India through Director (M&A) CWC Shimla-9 for accord the approval of TAC and IC of Department of WR,RD&GR New Delhi so that project could be posed to funding under PMKSY – AIBP schemes of GoI. For this FY 2023-24 token budget provision of Rs. 1.00 Cr. has been kept for this project.

Jwalamukhi Area Medium Irrigation Project in District Kangra HP

The proposed project is a lift irrigation project with an open intake in River Beas and then, lift water to command area divided into 23 zones situated on the right bank of River Beas. Out of these 23 zones, the Department has already covered 7 zones with irrigation facilities. At present, the balance 16 zones are rain fed and to provide assured irrigation this proposal has been framed accordingly. The proposal under the proposed project is to cover the CCA of 2590 hectare, thereby benefitting 116 villages of 21 Panchayats and 41315 people as per the revenue census 2011.
The proposed project amounting to Rs. 194.474 crore (Price level 2016) was approved in 131st meeting of Technical Advisory Committee of MoWR,RD&GR on Irrigation, Flood Control & Multipurpose projects held on November 16, 2016 at New Delhi. The completion period granted by TAC MoWR, RD&GR as per minutes circulated was three years and total cost of project would be valid for that period only. Proposal was submitted to GoI for accorded the investment clearance but could not be accepted. For seeking other mandatory clearances, the DPR has been updated to the tune of Rs. 379.89 crore on price level 2022 for approval of SLSC of PMKSY. The cost escalation is mainly based on the hike in cost of materials and labour rates.
After getting the approval of SLSC DPR has been submitted Govt. of India through Director (M&A) CWC Shimla-9 for accord the approval of TAC and IC of Department of WR,RD&GR New Delhi so that project could be posed to funding under PMKSY – AIBP schemes of GoI. For this FY 2023-24 token budget provision of Rs. 1.00 Cr. has been kept for this project.

Extension, Renovation & Modernization (ERM) of MIP Bhabour Sahib in district Una HP

Lift Irrigation project Bhabour Sahib was constructed in two Phases, the Phase 1st with CCA of 923 Ha. was completed in the year 1980-81 and the Phase 2nd with CCA of 2640 hectare was completed in the year 1998. This project was constructed to provide irrigation facilities to 3563 hectares. There were many inherent problems in the existing infrastructure of LIP Bhabour Sahib I & II viz. Leakage in the conveyance system, Setting up of Brick Kilns in Command Area, damaging the existing mains and distribution system making the system non-functional, beyond economical repairs, old and damaged rising mains and pumping machineries, requiring redesign and replacement, Intake structure with positive suction is required, Water supplied for irrigation was not sufficient, leading to poor output from the project.
The DPR of ERM project was approved by State Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) in its 67th meeting held on 06/02/2023 and State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) of PMKSY scheme of GoI held on March 1st, 2023 for the estimated cost of Rs. 65.2337 Cr. on price level 2022 to provide irrigation facility for the CCA 2266.71 Ha. No ERM project of the State has been implemented under AIBP/PMKSY as on date. The project shall be completed within the next three financial years if the funds are available. Proposal has been submitted to GoI during April, 2023 for approval/funding under PMKSY-AIBP for the year 2023-24 based on the State budget provision of Rs. 2.00 Cr.